How to choose the correct skin care products from thousands of brands available in the market. Lots of us have endlessly researched the cosmetic stores for hours to find out the connect skin care regime for the glowing healthy skin.
Different brands promise exciting results but all in vain. We have tried all but nothing works and the one that works have heavy steroid or mercury content that is very harmful in the long run.
Then who will guide us what is the best product to use on our skin that nourishes and repair our skin and has no side effects. The truth is that when we go out for skin products shopping, we have no knowledge about our skin or the ingredients present in skin care product. We are guided by people selling these brands dressed up in white coats pretending to be doctors but unfortunately they are not. They are salesmen trained to sell you their brand of skin care product. Wearing white coat doesn’t impart people knowledge about skin care.
Question: How do I select what is good skin care for me, my children and my Parents?
Answer: Skin is the largest organ of the body and most neglected. We put anything that’s in the washroom cupboard without thinking twice. For children skincare should start from 10 Years of age before that their skin has tendency to repair by itself after 10 Years of age, children should be using a soap free face wash without any perfume or colorants and a good sunscreen. The SPF of the sunscreen 30 or 50 would depend on the colour of the skin, lighter skin needs higher SPF and vice a versa.
Teenage acne prone skin needs a good oil control face wash, a scrub (Exfoliant) and oil control pads (containing salicylic acid) to removed sebum that causes inflammation and acne.
The correct way of choosing the skin care product suitable for you is to consult a skin doctor who is experienced enough to study your skin type and recommend you skin care products suitable for your skin type.
Certain early signs of aging are picked up by these doctors and they customize skin care products to fix these issues and avoid them in future.
Question: how do I know what’s wrong in my skin?
Answer: The latest technology allows us to study your genes and know what is going wrong in your skin and how to fix it. This is called gene therapy. Genes from your mouth Mucosa are studied in laboratory and the result obtained in a week. This result helps to fix issues going wrong at the cellular level and a skin care product that reverses these issues are prescribed by the doctors.
Question: I am scared of doctors that they may give me things that I don’t need or may be treatments which I don’t need. How do I select the correct skin doctor who can design skin care ritual for my entire family?
Answer: Dr. Zein Obagi, world renowned dermatologist from Beverly Hills California has pioneered skin care for each age group and skin condition.
He has taught many world renowned doctors all over the world how to design skin care regime for different skin types for optimum result.
Dr. Zein Obagi has personally trained Dr. Monisha Kapoor a Plastic surgeon from New Delhi to design optimum skin care for each age group for a healthy skin.

Together they want to make sure that the world flaunts their healthy skin confidently without using make-up at all. Bare beautiful skin the new fashion mantra.
Plastic Surgeon