A skin exfoliation, help scrape away dead skin giving a smoother younger
looking complexion! Silk Peel is a technologically advanced microdermabrasion system to perform a controlled skin exfoliation. It corrects skin abnormalities that are originated in the epidermis and the most superficial layers of the dermis.
The maximum versatility and full abrasion power in a compact design helps srape away dead skin and sweeps away dead skin cells. Silk Peel microdermabrasion is fully controlled by a microprocessor. Equipped with electronic vacuum level adjustment, a digital control panel and other innovations to enhance functionality and ergonomics, Silk Peel is an ideal treatment for various skin imperfections.
- A Silk Peel can help benefit uneven skin tone, stretch marks, photo damage skin and help address early signs of aging, hyperpigmentation, acne scars and enlarged pores.
- A silk peel provides long lasting results and there is an immediate noticeable improvement.
- Skin peel results in a smoother younger looking complexion.
- The treatment is safe and effective, with little to no down time.
- The highly efficient Silk Peel handpiece allows perfectly uniform abrasion and deeply delivers the vitamins and antioxiants to the skin.
- Abrasion precision, effectiveness, reliability, robustness and durability, render it most effective, absolute excellence and optimal results.