A beautifying skin treatment to give skin a more youthful appearance without any spots!IPL emits a range of lightwaves which pass through the skin and is absorbed by either hemoglobin and melanin resulting in fragmenting of the melanin pigment.
Subsequently, the melanin pigment are absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible giving the skin a more youthful appearance.
There is a reduced appearance of sun damage, spots, capillaries, elastosis, wrinkles and age spots.Lumenis is a world leader in aesthetic medicine, and was the first to introduce Intense Pulsed Light and developed the first Photorejuvenation platform. The Company has established itself as a world leader in the field of aesthetics due to its vast knowledge and expertise and minimally invasive solutions.
The Lumenis IPL with OPT™ is the new generation device, considered as the Gold Standard in photorejuvenation treatments and has proved its efficacy in over 80 peer reviewed papers.

- Experience beautifying skin and say goodbye to the effects of sun damage, rosacea, hyperpigmentation, and more.
- With the innovative Intense Pulsed Light (IPL™) photofacial/ fotofacial procedure, the tone and texture of your skin becomes smoother, and you see revere signs of aging due to skin damage.
- IPL™ photorejuvenation is the latest in modern dermatology,a safe and reliable treatment for skin allowing patients to transform red, blotchy skin into a radiant complexion and treating skin abnormalities.
- If you suffer from any of these skin conditions, IPL photofacial/fotofacial treatments may be the best suited treatment for you, while reversing the signs of photo aging and sun damage.