A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation, is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows.
A forehead lift corrects sagging in the skin of the forehead, upper eyelids, and eyebrows. Some people get one at the same time they get a face lift or cosmetic surgery on their nose.
Why Have a Brow Lift?
Your decision to have a brow lift (Browplasty) or forehead lift is a highly personal one, and ultimately your plastic surgeon should be able to give you the right advice and guidance based on your desired aesthetic outcomes.
Some of us are also genetically inclined to have a heavier, thicker brow, making us look as though we are wearing a frown even when we are feeling our best.
Advantages of Brow Lift Procedure
Though the results of forehead lift surgery are unique to each patient, one can expect to get the following benefits:
- Better positioned eyebrows to suit the face
- Youthful look
- Fewer wrinkles and lines around the forehead
- Correction of droopy or uneven eyebrowsng
Types of Brow Lift:
Dr Monisha Kapoor use different techniques for brow lift procedures; which are best for any given patient depends on a patient’s goals, unique anatomy, and the extent of corrections needed to achieve the desired results. At Dr. Monisha Kapoor’s practice in New Delhi, brow lift is often a non-surgical procedure achieved with injections. However, there are several surgical methods to elevate the eyebrows to a youthful, attractive position.

Non-Surgical Brow Lift
The cosmetic world has explored new techniques in past decades now there are many options than ever when it comes to creating the appearance of an eyebrow or eyelid lift, while there are still surgical options available at Dr Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics.
Dermal fillers:
- Drooping eyebrows, creases in the forehead, and lines around the eyes contribute to the signs of aging. Injectable dermal fillers are a very effective non-surgical means of facial rejuvenation. Indeed, dermal fillers are often known as a liquid facelift, or liquid browlift.
- Dermal fillers may also be injected into the forehead skin, carefully massaged and evenly placed, to lift the forehead. The effects of dermal fillers last from 3 to 5 months.
- Neurotoxin Injections are a simple and effective way to have a non-surgical brow lift. Neurotoxin is another nonsurgical injectable treatment to smooth wrinkles in the forehead and round the eyes. It will remove forehead lines, raise sagging eyebrows and reduce the appearance of upper eyelid hooding.
- It corrects wrinkles which are formed by years of muscle contractions, such as laugh lines and crow’s feet. Over time, this often-repeated contracting creates permanent lines. As muscles recover over time, new wrinkles and lines may appear.
Thread Lift Procedure
Over time, factors such as our lifestyle, environment, and even genetic makeup contribute to the development of various signs of aging on the brow and forehead. Thread lift procedure is a minimally invasive alternative to browlift surgery. At Dr Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics the entire browlift procedure by thread, takes 30 to 40 minutes.
There is minimal bruising and swelling. Recovery depends on the extent of the treatment. Patients cannot exercise for 48 hours post-procedure, but other than that, they can return to normal activities and skin care regimens.

Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo technique used to create the illusion of fuller brows. With this method I can create almost any look:
- from a very natural light finish to a beautifully bold brow.
- It is all about creating the best shape for each face – a totally bespoke approach for each client.
- You’ll need to follow the aftercare instructions (see below) and avoid any picking or scratching.
- Your eyebrows will start to heal over, much like a tattoo, which might cause irritation but is totally normal.
- You’ll need a touch-up in about a month (the cost of this is typically budgeted into the fee of the initial service).
- Then, microblading can last anywhere from 12 months to three years, depending on your lifestyle.
Surgical Brow Lift Procedure

- Brow lift techniques vary depending on your desired results. The specific technique of Dr Monisha Kapoor will determine the location of the incisions and the resulting scars. Before considering having this procedure, it is important that you fully understand what the procedure involves.
- This brow lift overview will explain what a brow lift is and what it can achieve.
Who is an
ideal candidate for brow lift surgery?
- Where non-surgical techniques have failed.
- The patient must have realistic expectations and a positive mindset with this treatment.
- Distance between brow and lash is less than normal
- With this technique upper lid blepharoplasty can be avoided.
- The patient must be in a good state of health.
- Suffering from sagging eyebrows due to any injury or aging process.
- Non-smoker and the patients must not consume blood-thinning medications for about 2-4 weeks prior to the surgery.
- Thick heavy brows fixed to the bone
- Men and women who have to reverse their forehead due to age-related changes.
- The patient must have realistic expectations and a positive mindset with this treatment.
Most commonly there are several types of brow lift surgery: common techniques include the classic forehead lift and the endoscopic forehead lift.
Brow Lift
- The endoscopic brow lift is a procedure elevating the brow without excising any skin.
- For an endoscopic brow lift, Dr Monisha Kapoor will make a series of very short incisions just behind the hairline. The skin of the forehead is repositioned and secured in an elevated position using an endoscope and specialized instruments. Because the cuts are smaller, this procedure is less invasive than the classic lift.
- You will have minimal scarring and a shorter recovery time.
- When the lift is complete, the scalp incisions will be closed with stitches or clips and the area will be washed. Gauze and an elastic bandage also may be used, depending on doctor’s preference.
Brow Lift
- The classic lift involves one continuous cut beginning at the level of your ears and going up around your hair line.
- Depending on where your hair line is, the surgeon will work to avoid a visible scar. Once the standard technique, the coronal brow lift has generally fallen out of fashion, as well-qualified cosmetic surgeons are typically able to make needed improvements with less invasive techniques.
- This technique involves one long incision made behind the hairline, running from ear to ear. In certain cases, however, a coronal brow lift may be necessary to achieve a patient’s desired results.
- Excess skin, fat and tissue are removed and the remaining skin and brow muscles are repositioned into a more youthful appearance.
Recovery from
Brow Lift Surgery
- Recovery usually takes two to three weeks, and many patients go back to work in two weeks. The results of your brow lift surgery are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade.
- The immediate post-operative experience for a patient who has had a classic forehead lift may differ significantly from a patient who had the procedure performed endoscopically.
- Classic forehead lift patients may experience some numbness around the incision and temporary discomfort, which can be controlled with prescription medication.
- You may be told to keep your head elevated for two to three days following surgery to keep the swelling down. Swelling also may affect the cheeks and eyes, however, this should begin to disappear in a week or so.
Will the results of brow lift surgery last?
When performed by Dr Monisha Kapoor, the improvements made with brow lift surgery will last for many years to come. You can help keep your results looking their best by living a healthy lifestyle. Wear sunscreen daily, eat a diet rich in whole foods and vitamins, and don’t smoke. This will help keep your body healthy and skin looking its best.

Follow-Up Care
Follow-up care is vital for this procedure to monitor healing. It is important to contact Dr Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics immediately if anything unusual should occur. It is essential for patients to keep their follow-up appointments with the surgeon.
In order to create the most aesthetically appealing results, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr Monisha Kapoor Aesthetics team. During the consultation, we can discuss your cosmetic goals and perform an evaluation that will help us determine the best treatment options for your brow lift.
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