Addressing hereditary deposits of fat over the breast.
Liposculpture is one of the most efficient techniques to an age old problem and Dr Monisha is one of the best and reliable plastic surgeons to perform liposculture for male breast, addressing hereditary deposits of fat over the breast.
Localised areas of fat not responsive to diet or exercise can be removed with this procedure.
A relatively minor removal of tissue can shape the belly fat and lend a pleasing contour and body shape.

Men’s belly fat in general and unwanted fatty deposits, are commonly present over the abdomen and the flanks or love handles.
That’s what men want to get rid of. That nasty bulge above the belt line appears unathletic and lends a sign of the middle age.
Like liposculpture treats the breast area, there is precious little that diet and exercise can do.
Patients with isolated diet and exercise resistant adipose tissue can get their breast area treated with liposculpture.
When abdominal crunches or trips to the gym are not successful in making an impression or reduce the number of fat cells, liposculpture can be a savior.
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